General objective:
PosLetras aims to train qualified professionals for the exercise of teaching and research activities, in addition to strengthening integration with national and international research groups.
As specific objectives the Program intends to contribute to the professional development of researchers who seek:
- to study discursive, literary, artistic and other textual productions, based on theoretical and methodological perspectives of the fields of Literature, Discursive Practices, Translation and Applied Linguistics;
- to preserve the cultural memory of the Inconfidentes region through language studies (from the linguistic and/or literary point of view);
- to develop studies that conceive the linguistic, literary and artistic enunciation in its multiple configurations and interrelations with other elements of the cultural system;
- to understand and observe language in its discursive, pragmatic and rhetorical dimensions, from various speculative approaches that allow us to understand the effects of meaning and social impacts of public texts;
- to develop translation studies in its different branches of research, from diverse theoretical-methodological approaches and with potential inter- and transdisciplinary interfaces;
- to promote research in the field of Applied Language Studies (ALS), its socio-cultural and identity practices, its functioning and its epistemological demands, through inter/transdisciplinary perspective with other fields of knowledge.